How to Interview on Zoom
Nov 01, 2023![](
In this post-pandemic job market, you will find more and more interviews are being conducted online, and it’s important to take steps to prepare for those online videos, as they can be very different from in-person interviews. And if you’re not used to Zoom or videoconferencing, they can also be a bit nerve-wracking.
I’m going to take you through five ways to prepare for a video conference interview. I also want to give you some general interview tips that I think will help you in preparing for the big day.
When you interview as a nurse practitioner, you are interviewing with executives, administrators, medical directors, and other providers. You can be scheduled for a panel interview, multiple interviews back-to-back, or full-on itinerary interviews where you get flown in and the red carpet rolled out. Many times, they start the screening process with a Zoom call.
The purpose of a Zoom call interview is for them to meet you and get an idea of your personality and your ability to connect with them. You want to be on your A-game so that you can get past the nerves and recognize whether these are people you want to work with and if this is an organization you are willing to commit to.
There are some technical aspects to a successful Zoom call interview that I want to share.
I want to share a little story about the importance of internet connection. I was conducting a live training and was discussing the importance of securing your internet connection during a Zoom call and - BOOM - my internet cuts out! I stayed calm and took out my trusty hotspot and reconnected within 60 seconds or so. I apologized for the interruption and kept it moving. Here is the key to tech problems: you can do everything possible to prepare for the worst - but that’s it. After that, you just have to hope for the best. That being said, here are some tips to prepare for the worst: If you can, connect to a landline for the most stable internet connection. If you can’t do that, then have a backup like I did. Have your hotspot right next to you so you can start that up if needed. Apologize for the interruption - and keep moving. DO NOT over-apologize - try to keep it together. This is a great opportunity for you to show them how you perform under stress or when things don’t go as planned. Show them you are resilient and resourceful!
I think natural lighting is the best lighting for Zoom calls; however, you must be sure the natural light is in front of you. If there is a window behind you or off to the side, you will create a shadow and it will be more difficult for them to see you. Also, if the light is too bright, it might oversaturate the screen, so you need to be careful with just how much light is coming from a window. I recommend playing with the lighting setup about a half an hour before the call. If natural light is not an option, you can use your overhead lighting; just be sure that it is enough lighting to give a clear picture of your headshot. For your headshot, try to angle yourself where they can see you from the shoulders up, creating a comfortable distance that is not too close or too far. Also, be sure your background is free of clutter and won’t be distracting to your interviews.
If you plan on doing your interview at home and you have small kids or pets - be sure to have a plan for them while you are on your call. Even if they are in another room and you are locked in your room with a deadbolt, you might still hear your kids fighting or your baby crying. Even if the interviewers can’t hear it, that will distract you and may make you more anxious than you already are. Avoid the problem altogether by sending the family out for ice cream or a walk. Remember, you need to be on your A-game.
There is so much that is lost when conducting Zoom call interviews - and one of the biggest challenges you will face is making eye contact to create that human connection with your interviewers. The trick is to look directly into the camera when speaking or listening. That can be really tough since we are innately programmed to look at the speaker’s face - which is not in the camera. Depending on the Zoom setup, you might find that you can move the screen around to have the speaker’s face right beneath the camera hole. That way, when they are speaking, you are at least looking in the camera’s direction and you appear more engaged. As small as this may seem, it can really help set you apart as a more enthusiastic candidate.
For Zoom calls, the interviewers should all have a copy of your resume before the call. I recommend that you have a printed copy of your resume (and portfolio if you have one) out in front of you so that you can follow along with them as they review it. I hope these tips help you feel better prepared for Zoom interviews so you can land your next NP job!
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